Boxes of Love for Babies in the Hospital
We support infants, and their families, through long hospital stays. We need your help to bring comfort to families living through a crisis.
Creating a world where every hospitalized baby thrives
During our founder’s experience living in a children’s hospital, she learned that incredibly important things were unavailable. Even simple things like feeding spoons were impossible to find.
Hospital donations for infants are rare. Often hospitals have very limited infant donations or none at all. Foxbox is 100% focused on supporting ages 0-12 months because there’s a big need for our help.
Baby boxes
We offer five different boxes for babies. Each box focuses on baby’s changing developmental needs - including snuggle time, feeding and playtime. Every box includes personalized comfort items, books, toys and decorations. We view every baby as a unique individual and build their box especially for them..
Our caregiver support
Being in the hospital with your baby is challenging. Finding a few moments to care for yourself is important, too. We offer parents/caregivers helpful items that we know can improve their quality of life.
Donate to support our work
Living in a hospital with your baby is hard. We know because that was our story. We need your help to ensure every hospitalized baby can thrive. Help us bring comfort and support to families in the middle of a crisis today.

“Often those big items are the most difficult for us to provide but SO beneficial for patients here long term.”
— Daniella Sinay, PT, DPT
Doernbecher Children's Hospital
Oregon Health and Science University