Caregiver Support

We support parents, or caregivers, because you can’t support a baby without supporting their person.

Support built on feedback from parents/caregivers


We spent a lot of time talking with parents, and caregivers, who have lived with their child through long hospital admissions. We wanted to know what was most helpful for them and what support they wished they had. Based our own experiences, as well as others, we developed a support program hoping to improve the quality of life of families living long-term in a hospital.

Are we missing something on our list? Have an idea on other ways we can support parents/caregivers?

We know how hard it can be.

Experience has also shown us that at times, being asked to “take a break/take care of yourself” is the last thing you want to do. Being with your baby is your priority, your work, your joy, your responsibility. You know your baby best and taking a break may not feel “right”. We get that, too. For some parents getting a cup of coffee, or tea, and taking a walk may be helpful. Other parents may chose to put in their ear buds, listen to a podcast and walk around and around the unit with their baby. Connecting with a healthcare team member might provide you with support. There is no one way or right way to care for yourself.

We’re here to help.


What we offer

Images are from Ergobaby

Images are from Ergobaby

Infant Carriers

Infant carriers allow parents/caregivers to hold their baby even when they’re physically exhausted and tired. Carriers also make pushing an IV pole and carrying a baby safe.

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Water Bottle and Drinking Cup

Drinking water in the hospital is found in the family kitchen. It can be hard to leave your room to get a drink of water when you need it. Water bottles are a must-have for any parent/caregiver living in a hospital.

Image from Ergobaby

Image from Ergobaby

Support Pillow

We all know babies love to be held but holding a baby all day without the proper arm support is exhausting. A firm support pillow helps parents/caregivers hold their baby longer.

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Coffee or Tea

When we asked other parents/caregivers what were the critical items needed to survive living in the hospital, the ability to make good coffee in their rooms was key. We’re proud to offer high quality coffee for our parents/caregivers during their long stays.